Proudly enthroned in the center of the village of Capestang, the Collegiate Church of Saint-Etienne is recognizable from afar by its imposing silhouette.
In perfect Gothic style, the collegiate church of Saint-Etienne de Capestang was erected in the XNUMXth century on an old Romanesque church by the same team that built the cathedral of Narbonne. Indeed, seen up close, the two monuments are strangely similar. Despite its unfinished appearance, this building is not lacking in interest with its magnificently openwork choir and its bell tower (access possible during visits "Montée au clocher" in season and all year round by appointment), from the top of which you enjoy a magnificent panorama!
Discover the village, the pond of Capestang, the Pyrenees, the Caroux, the oppidum of Ensérune, Narbonne and many other viewpoints from an exceptional place steeped in history!